First of all, an apology. I’m sorry it’s been so long since I blogged. And second of all, another apology. I’m sorry I’ve started blogging again. But I do have news, so I thought maybe I should resurrect the old bloody blog.
What news?
Basically, free books. And very cheap books. And more free books.
Free books, you say?

I do say. My novel Summon Up The Blood is currently free on Kindle. If you’re in the UK, you can download it here. US readers, go here. Just to clarify, free means you don’t have to pay any money at all.
And that’s not all. There’s also this.

For the whole of February, the ebook of my novella Law of Blood is only 99p on Kindle. I know 99p isn’t free, but it is pretty cheap. (And it is free if you’re on Kindle Unlimited.) You can download it here. This offer is only available in the UK, I’m afraid.
Could there be more? There is. This.
At the end of February I’m going to run a free draw (that word free again) for five free (there it is again) ebook copies of Law of Blood. Apparently, I can do that. All I need is the email address of the winners. I’ll be announcing the draw on social media as well as here, so I’m hoping I’ll get lots of entries. The winners will be picked by a random number generator.
If you’d like to enter then please email me at It will be lovely to hear from you.
Nice that you are back and not that you ever left; just doing other things. Thank you!
Thank you! Yes I have been doing other things!