A couple of weeks ago I turned 50. A big enough age-hurdle to get over in itself, but it was even more of a shock to find that the French newspaper Le Figaro had added a further nine years to my age in their review of Le Temps de la Vengeance, the French edition of A Vengeful Longing.
(Their verdict: “Après L’Ame détournée, accrochée à ses bases classiques, la plume légère de Morris réussit son décollage vers une intrigue plus personnelle, grâce à un carburant mêlant ironie et références ludiques au roman russe.”)
Ah well, nice to get some coverage so far from home. Which reminds me, we spotted copies of Le Temps de la Vengeance in Geneva airport bookshop on the way back from our half term break. And I didn’t even have to go looking too hard for them!