The Cleansing Flames download – click here to download the first chapter of my latest novel, The Cleansing Flames. It won’t cost you a penny.
And if you can answer the following question (the answer to which is in the sample chapter) you could win a copy of the paperback:
What is the title of the poem Virginsky reads on the handbill?
First things first. Download the chapter, have a read, then use the contact form here to send me your answer. PLEASE DON’T LEAVE YOUR ANSWER IN THE COMMENTS TO THIS BLOG AS IT WILL GIVE IT AWAY TO EVERYONE ELSE!
All the correct answers received by 6.00 pm 8.00 pm (deadline extended) GMT Thursday January 26 will be entered into a draw made by, from which one winner will be selected.
You can still download the first chapter, however. And if you like what you read, and would like to make sure of your copy, you can get the whole book for just £1.42 on kindle here. Or if you prefer a paper book, you can get it from any good bookshop, or from amazon.
I’ve read the first chapter but don’t have a kindle
Hi there Ivan (not real name by any chance? ;)) You don’t need a kindle as the book is available as a paperback! Thanks for your interest and thanks for mentioning your book in your book club post.