Dear Sir or Madam, will you read my book?
It took me years to write, will you take a look?
It’s a dark, twisty story about a man named Quinn
And I need a job,
So I want to be a paperback writer….
Paperback writer!
(With apologies to the Beatles)
Summon Up The Blood is out in paperback now, from Canelo. It’s a re-release, but for those of you who prefer your books made of paper, rather than as pixels on a screen, this is what you’ve been waiting for.
It’s got some great reviews so far.
Fully Booked blog said: “RN Morris has written a chilling and convincing murder mystery with an impeccably researched historical background. The book is an intriguing – and sometimes unnerving – mixture of grim violence, gallows humour, literary research, sexual degradation – and old fashioned detective work. Silas Quinn’s London of Spring 1914, blithely ignorant of the horrors that were to begin later in the year, is hypnotic and addictive.”
ZoeBeesBooks reviewed it on Instagram and said: “If you like your thrillers dark and historical, you will enjoy this, it is twisted, creepy and gory and best read at night!!”
And Bobs and Books blog had this to say: “I am guilty of loving this book. It’s atmospheric, moody, intriguing and not your stereotypical detective.”
If you’re a bookblogger yourself and would like an e-copy for review, please get in touch.
This book was one to have not missed; it was certainly gruesome and deplorable and I am in wonder that it is not Silas Quinn who is the killer ; yet how can it not be (he) who is so cruellllll! Draining of blood and not leaving a drop; nothing shed; as in the quality of mercy; the blood droppeth like the gentle rain from heaven; and yet when collecting the pound of flesh; not a dropping of blood is to be had; nothing is to be shed; but collect it he must without painstakingly causing death to his claimant.